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Nepali Times published an article entitled, “Pasang Lhamu Sherpa, the film – A new docudrama about Nepal’s first woman to climb Mt Everest is a tale of discrimination, dedication, triumph, and tragedy”

Winner of 14 international film awards, Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest honors the legendary climber while also delving into the realities of Sherpas, often sidelined in mountaineering films. Public screenings of the Nepali version will begin on 28 April and there are plans for shows in 15 locations in Kosi and Madhes provinces with donations raised during its Nepali premiere.

The full article is available to read online at: Nepali Times – Review: Pasang Lhamu Sherpa the Film

Download: Nepali Times Review PDF




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Nepal News features a story about the Nepal Premiere in April 2023 of Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest