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Lex Limbu, Host of the Nepal Premiere in Kathmandu

Lex Limbu,  a well known Nepalese public figure with over 100,000 followers on Facebook,  hosted the Nepal Premiere screening in Kathmandu, Nepal. On April 26th, 2022, he published an article entitled, “the Force that was Pasang Lhamu Sherpa”. In the article, Lex Limbu  writes:

Being the host for the premiere screening felt like a full circle moment for me. I remembered how amped I was when I first saw the documentary trailer. To finally have the opportunity to watch the documentary in full was a moment. Director Nancy Svendsen and all those that backed the project have presented a gift. They’ve brought a story of a hero to life and incredibly, we hear a lot from the hero Pasang herself! That’s something that I really enjoyed about the documentary. It’s not overshadowed by experts and others.

The full article is available to read online at:  Lex Limbu – The Force That Was Pasang Lhamu Sherpa

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Lex Limbu, Host of the Napal Premiere in Kathmandu, Nepal, writes an article about the film, Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest.