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Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest is featured on the Golden Globe Awards website. 

“Pasang, as a Nepali woman, had to face all kinds of barriers. She left an arranged marriage to marry a man she fell in love with. The newlyweds eloped and ran away from their village. Later they started their own trekking and guide business in Kathmandu. Svendsen was so touched by everything Pasang had to overcome in life that she wanted to share it with the rest of the world. “It was just one of those ‘aha moments’ that you have, you know. I mean, here’s this super famous person in Nepal. She’s got a statue, a postage stamp, hospitals and schools named after her. Yet, nobody has ever told her story.”

Read the article here:
Golden Globes – Docs: The Remarkable and Untold Story of “PASANG: In the Shadow of Everest” 

To learn more about Pasang, visit https://pasangmovie.com/about-pasang-in-the-shadow-of-everest/


Golden Globe Awards features an interview with Director, Nancy Svendsen