Richard Levien, Producer/Contributing Editor

Richard Levien has been writing, directing, and editing award-winning films for 12 years. His editing credits include Barry Jenkins’ (“Moonlight”), short film “Remigration”, and “A Fragile Trust” about the worst plagiarist in the history of the New York Times, which appeared on Independent Lens. He also edited “D Tour”, about a rock drummer struggling with kidney failure, which won Best Bay Area documentary feature at the San Francisco International Film Festival, and appeared on Independent Lens. Levien’s short film, “Immersion” premiered at Slamdance, and won Best Bay Area short film at the San Francisco International Film Festival. Levien’s debut feature film as a writer/director, “Collisions”, won four SFFILM/KRF Grants. “Collisions” premiered at the Mill Valley Film Festival in October 2018, and won the Audience Award (US Independent Cinema: Gold). Levien is from New Zealand originally. He is one of the few New Zealanders who played no part whatsoever in the making of the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, or The Hobbit. He has a PhD in theoretical physics from Princeton University.