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Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest screens at Barberini Cinema in Rome, ItalyPasang: In the Shadow of Everest, screened in Rome, Italy SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 at Cinema Barbarini

“Siete pronti per un nuova settimana di spettacoli al #CinemaBarberini? 🍿

Una line-up di nuove uscite che vi faranno battere il cuore: da #Patagonia, folgorante esordio del regista Simone Bozzelli, al ritorno di Kenneth Branagh nei panni di Poirot in #AssassinioAVenezia ✨
E poi ancora il toccante L’invenzione della neve, con Q&A con il regista Vittorio Moroni e il cast venerdì, e lo straordinario documentario Pasang – In the Shadow of Everest che racconta l’incredibile viaggio della prima donna nepalese per raggiungere la vetta dell’Everest 🏔️” ~ Cinema Barberini

To book your own private screening of the film, contact us.

Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest screens at Barberini Cinema in Rome, Italy


Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest is an Official Selectoin of the MInternational Mountaineering Film Festival in the Czeck Republic​Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest, is an Official Selection of the INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL  | TEPLICE NAD METUJÍ, CZECHIA

An amazing story of indomitable strength and dreams! 🏔️🌟 This great documentary captures the tragic but at the same time inspiring life of Sherpa Pasang Lhamu – the first Nepali woman who conquered Mount Everest in 1993. Against all odds, uneducated and coming from an oppressed Buddhist ethnicity, she bravely pursued her dream of becoming a famous mountaineer. 🎬🏔️ Look forward to this amazing movie! 🌟 🎥 One of the many films that will be screened at the MInternational Mountaineering Film Festival


To book your own private screening of the film, contact us.

Off Cinema Documentary Film Festival, Poland
Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest is an Official Selectoin of the MInternational Mountaineering Film Festival in the Czeck Republic

August 7th, 2023 | Sebastiani Theatre | Sonoma, CA

Thank you to the generous support of our audience and to our very special guests Kami Rita Sherpa, the world record holder for his 28 Everest summits, and Norbu Tenzing of the American Himalayan Foundation and son of Tenzing Norgay, for being a part of our benefit screening and reception. Loved having all of the local Sherpa family and friends join us, too!

Proceeds from the evening will go toward a shortened and dubbed version of the film for educational use.


To book your own private screening of the film, contact us.


Benefit screening in Sonoma, August, 2023
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The Islands’ Sounder – FHFF Inspires Spring Street Students with “Pasang” Screening Before Nepal Trip

a story about the PASANG movie screening for a group of students climbing Nepal was featuried in the Islands" Sounder in 2023.

A story about the PASANG movie screening for a group of students climbing Nepal was featured in the Islands” Sounder in 2023.

A quote from the article:

“When Friday Harbor Film Festival heard that a group of eight students, led by Louis Prussack, Head of the school, were heading off May 13 on a three-week adventure in Nepal, they decided to provide a special screening of Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest, an award-winning film shown at Friday Harbor Film Festival in 2022.”

Click the button below to read the article.

For more news about our film, visit our News page.

a story about the PASANG movie screening for a group of students climbing Nepal was featuried in the Islands" Sounder in 2023.

Lo Scarpone – Nancy Svendsen wins the 2023 Mario Bello Award

Lo Scarpone published an article about the documentary, Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest winning the Mario Bello Award at the Trento Film Festival.

According to their website, “Lo Scarpone: mountaineering, skiing, hiking” was founded in 1931 in Milan by the journalist Gaspare Pasini , who had taken over the title and periodicity of another newspaper ( “Lo Scarpone, fortnightly mountaineering journal” ) directed in 1925-26 by Claudio SartoriThe masthead was the first important and lasting independent periodical of the Sections of the Italian Alpine Club.”

The additional member of the Central Steering Committee of Cai Angelo presented the award Schena and the Central Councilor Carlo Ancona. This photo pictures Angelo Schena and Carlo Ancona © Michele Purin

Angelo Schena and Carlo Ancona © Michele Purin

The additional member of the Central Steering Committee of Cai, Angelo, presented the award Schena with the Central Councilor, Carlo Ancona. 


In the article, lo Scarpone quotes the jury of the film festival statement with the following:

In 1993 a Nepalese woman tries to climb Everest, animated by ambition, determination and courage, with the awareness that there are causes for which one can put one’s daily life into the background and accept sacrifices, hardships and dangers, in view of a more important result. The impressive popular participation in her funeral partially repays the sacrifice and makes the message even more emotional », reads the motivation of the jury composed of Michele Ambrogi (president), Carlo Ancona, Monica Brenga and Giovanni Pivetti.

See the full article, “Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest by Nancy Svendsen Wins the 2023 Mario Bello Award” in Italian online at LoScarpone – “Pasang: in the shadow of Everest” di Nancy Svendsen vince il Premio Mario Bello 2023″

To read the article in English, download our translated PDF version here.

For information on all Film Festivals, visit our Screenings page.


Lo Scarpone, a Italian publication, reports on Nancy Svendsen winning the 2023 Mario Bello Award for Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest.